Tuesday, September 23, 2008

What a Blessing Life Is

So it has been a while since I have blogged; however, I have audio blogged. It was pointed out to me today that our family blog site needed to be update so here I go.

WOW what a roller coaster of emotions I have been enduring. When there was the “fear” of mom having lung cancer back in June of 2008 I never imagined what the road ahead might look like. The road has been filled with many bumps and pot holes, yet it has been filled with many successes.

This month has been a challenge for all of my family, the economy is tight and gas prices are through the roof. We (myself, brother and sister) all drive 30 plus miles each way to work. That means on average we spend $14 (post tax) a day on fuel. That makes going to work a cost of $280 a month, not including other costs like wear and tear.

This month has also been a HUGE success for mom. Her tumors have shrunk and her spirits are high. Today she has chemo and tomorrow, based on how she feels, she is coming to Phoenix. I could not be more excited that mom is visiting Phoenix for two reasons, first she is going to be blow away by the number of people that will be in attendance at the first ever Live Fund Raiser for the Liz Martocci Lung Cancer Foundation, but also it is the first time mom has seen my home since it burned down in April 2007.

Today something completely out of the blue happened, yet I knew it would to a degree. The foundation received an amazing donation. It was at the perfect time as we have 3 people, living with lung cancer, looking for help. As a foundation this donation meant the world, it meant changing our wording from “we will help you when we can” to “we WILL help you”. When people are faced with a life challenge, offering support and help is all they need to move them forward. Listen to my mom’s audios and you will know this is true.

While starting the Liz Martocci Lung Cancer Foundation has been taxing on everyone involved, I am speaking for myself, it has been far worth the effort. Knowing that the Liz Martocci Lung Cancer Foundation is helping to make the lives of lung cancer patients easier helps us all to sleep better at night.

With Love,

Dan Hart

About the Foundation:

The Liz Martocci Lung Cancer Foundation began on July 9, 2008 with one purpose in mind to help those faced with this horrible disease, living without insurance, find and receive the medical treatment they so deserve. Often the middle class hard working are often the ones that can not get the help and support needed during such a tough time. The Liz Martocci Lung Cancer Foundation is here to help those faced with the challenges of the "system" while offering support, resources and compassion.

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